Name End Point Description
Create a Sandbox /org/{orgUuid}/user/{userUuid}/sandbox/add To Create a Sandbox
Update a Sandbox /update To Update a Sandbox
Delete a Sandbox by UUID /delete/{uuid} To Delete a Sandbox by UUID Identifier
Delete Multiple Sandboxes by Device UUID /device/{deviceUuid}/delete Delete Multiple Sandboxes by Device UUID Identifier
Get a Single Sandbox /uuid Get a Single Sandbox by UUID Identifier
List All the Sandboxes by User UUID /user/{userUuid}/list List All the Sandboxes by User UUID Identifier
Get All the Sandboxes by User UUID through Pagination /user/{userUuid}/list/{pageNo} Get All the Sandboxes by User UUID through Pagination
Get Sandbox by Organization UUID /org/{orgUuid}/sandboxes , /sandboxes Get Sandbox by Organization UUID Identifier
Get Sandbox by Organization UUID with Pagination /org/{orgUuid}/sandboxes/{pageNo} Get Sandbox by Organization UUID Identifier with Pagination
Fetch all Sandboxes /all-sandboxes/{pageNo} Fetch all Sandboxes
Count Number of Sandboxes /count Count Number of Sandboxes
Count Number of Sandboxes by UUID /user/{userUuid}/count Count Number of Sandboxes by UUID Identifier
Count Number of Sandboxes by Organization UUID Identifier /org/{orgUuid}/count Count Number of Sandboxes by Organization UUID Identifier
Mock Data For a Sandbox by UUID /mock/{uuid} Mock Data For a Sandbox by UUID
Searching Sandbox /search/{type} Searching Sandbox
Count of Sandbox /count Count of Sandbox

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