Get All the CodeType

02/12/2020 | Less than 1 minute to read

Info Note

End Point: GET /codeTypes
Description: Get All the CodeType

HTTP Header (Get All the CodeType)

08/10/2020 | Less than 1 minute to read

Key Value  Description  DataType 
time_zone Asia/Kolkata Required Specific Timezone String

Request (Get All the CodeType)

02/12/2020 | Less than 1 minute to read

Response (Get All the CodeType)

02/12/2020 | Less than 1 minute to read

  "data": [
  "metadata": {
    "fileCodeUuid": "string",
    "orgUuid": "string",
    "userUuid": "string"
  "statusCode": "OK"

ErrorCode (Get All the CodeType)

02/14/2020 | 2 minutes to read

HTTP Status Code Reason
200 We received the request and created Successfully
200 CCP-CS-004 | Error while fetching CodeType
400 CCP-HTTP-003 | Request method not supported
401 You are not authorized to view the resource
403 Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden
404 The resource you were trying to reach is not found

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